EMIT Vol2 No3

Electrochemical Methods for Arsenic Removal from Industrial Wastewater Discharges

AUTHOR:Stevan Dimitrijevic, Silvana Dimitrijevic, Milovan Vukovic
UDK: 628.161.2.06:546.19 ; 621.35 ID: 203159308
Pages 100-105

Resolving complaints in online shopping

AUTHOR:Bruno Zavrsnik
UDK: 004.738.5:339 ; 658.818.4 ID: 203159564
Pages 106-109

Innovative diversification in the publishing business: International Aspect

AUTHOR:Elizaveta Voloshanenko
UDK: 005.342:655.4 ; 655.4:338.33 ID : 203166476
Pages 110-120

Impact assessment tools of monetary policy national banks on the parameters of the Iinvestment activity of the banking sector

AUTHOR: Svitlana V. Andros
UDK : 338.23:336.74 ; 336.71:330.322 ID: 203166732
Pages 121-134

Scientific and technological progress
as a factor of economic development in Serbia

AUTHOR:Dragan Mihajlovic, Dragica Stojanovic
UDK: 330.341.1(497.11) ID: 203167500
Pages 135-141

Regional development concept for creating efficient economy and support to local economy

AUTHOR:Bosko Vojnovic , Dejan Riznic, Jovan Rudez
UDK : 332.1(282.243.7) ; 005.51 ID: 203168268
Pages 142-156